Sunday, July 17, 2022

KMP Algorithm for Pattern Searching in Java/Kotlin

KMP Algorithm for Pattern Searching in Java/Kotlin

Given a text txt[0..n-1] and a pattern pat[0..m-1], write a function search(char pat[], char txt[]) that prints all occurrences of pat[] in txt[]. You may assume that n > m.


Input:  txt[] = "THIS IS A TEST TEXT"

        pat[] = "TEST"

Output: Pattern found at index 10

Input:  txt[] =  "AABAACAADAABAABA"

        pat[] =  "AABA"

Output: Pattern found at index 0

        Pattern found at index 9

        Pattern found at index 12

We have discussed the Naive pattern searching algorithm and the Rabin-Karp algorithm for searching patterns. The worst case complexity of both of the algorithms is O(n*m). Here, we will discuss a new algorithm for searching patterns, KMP algorithm. The time complexity of KMP algorithm is O(n) in the worst case.

KMP (Knuth Morris Pratt) Pattern Searching

The Naive pattern searching algorithm doesn’t work well in cases where we see many matching characters followed by a mismatching character. Following are some examples.


   pat[] = "AAAAB"


   pat[] =  "ABABAC" (not a worst case, but a bad case for Naive)

The KMP matching algorithm uses degenerating property (pattern having the same sub-patterns appearing more than once in the pattern) of the pattern and improves the worst case complexity to O(n). The basic idea behind KMP’s algorithm is: whenever we detect a mismatch (after some matches), we already know some of the characters in the text of the next window. We take advantage of this information to avoid matching the characters that we know will anyway match. Let us consider the below example to understand this.

Matching Overview


pat = "AAAA"

We compare first window of txt with pat


pat = "AAAA"  [Initial position]

We find a match. This is same as Naive String Matching.

In the next step, we compare next window of txt with pat.


pat =  "AAAA" [Pattern shifted one position]

This is where KMP does optimization over Naive. In this 

second window, we only compare fourth A of pattern

with fourth character of current window of text to decide 

whether current window matches or not. Since we know 

first three characters will anyway match, we skipped 

matching first three characters. 

Need of Preprocessing?

An important question arises from the above explanation, 

how to know how many characters to be skipped. To know this, 

we pre-process pattern and prepare an integer array 

lps[] that tells us the count of characters to be skipped. 

Preprocessing Overview:

KMP algorithm preprocesses pat[] and constructs an auxiliary lps[] of size m (same as size of pattern) which is used to skip characters while matching.

name lps indicates longest proper prefix which is also suffix.. A proper prefix is prefix with whole string not allowed. For example, prefixes of "ABC" are "", "A", "AB" and "ABC". Proper prefixes are "", "A" and "AB". Suffixes of the string are "", "C", "BC" and "ABC".

We search for lps in sub-patterns. More clearly we focus on sub-strings of patterns that are either prefix and suffix.

For each sub-pattern pat[0..i] where i = 0 to m-1, lps[i] stores length of the maximum matching proper prefix which is also a suffix of the sub-pattern pat[0..i].

   lps[i] = the longest proper prefix of pat[0..i] 

              which is also a suffix of pat[0..i]. 

    Note : lps[i] could also be defined as longest prefix which is also proper suffix. We need to use properly at one place to make sure that the whole substring is not considered.

Examples of lps[] construction:
For the pattern “AAAA”, 
lps[] is [0, 1, 2, 3]

For the pattern “ABCDE”, 
lps[] is [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

For the pattern “AABAACAABAA”, 
lps[] is [0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

For the pattern “AAACAAAAAC”, 
lps[] is [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4] 

For the pattern “AAABAAA”, 
lps[] is [0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 3]

    Searching Algorithm: Unlike Naive algorithm, where we slide the pattern by one and compare all characters at each shift, we use a value from lps[] to decide the next characters to be matched. The idea is to not match a character that we know will anyway match.

    How to use lps[] to decide the next positions (or to know a number of characters to be skipped)?

    • We start comparison of pat[j] with j = 0 with characters of current window of text.
    • We keep matching characters txt[i] and pat[j] and keep incrementing i and j while pat[j] and txt[i] keep matching.
    • When we see a mismatch
      • We know that characters pat[0..j-1] match with txt[i-j...i-1] (Note that j starts with 0 and increment it only when there is a match).
      • We also know (from above definition) that lps[j-1] is count of characters of pat[0...j-1] that are both proper prefix and suffix.
      • From above two points, we can conclude that we do not need to match these lps[j-1] characters with txt[i-j...i-1] because we know that these characters will anyway match. Let us consider above example to understand this.

txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] = "AAAA"
lps[] = {0, 1, 2, 3} 

i = 0, j = 0
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] = "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++, j++

i = 1, j = 1
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] = "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++, j++

i = 2, j = 2
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] = "AAAA"
pat[i] and pat[j] match, do i++, j++

i = 3, j = 3
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] = "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++, j++

i = 4, j = 4
Since j == M, print pattern found and reset j,
j = lps[j-1] = lps[3] = 3

Here unlike Naive algorithm, we do not match first three 
characters of this window. Value of lps[j-1] (in above 
step) gave us index of next character to match.
i = 4, j = 3
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =  "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++, j++

i = 5, j = 4
Since j == M, print pattern found and reset j,
j = lps[j-1] = lps[3] = 3

Again unlike Naive algorithm, we do not match first three 
characters of this window. Value of lps[j-1] (in above 
step) gave us index of next character to match.
i = 5, j = 3
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =   "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] do NOT match and j > 0, change only j
j = lps[j-1] = lps[2] = 2

i = 5, j = 2
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =    "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] do NOT match and j > 0, change only j
j = lps[j-1] = lps[1] = 1 

i = 5, j = 1
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =     "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] do NOT match and j > 0, change only j
j = lps[j-1] = lps[0] = 0

i = 5, j = 0
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =      "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] do NOT match and j is 0, we do i++.

i = 6, j = 0
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =       "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++ and j++

i = 7, j = 1
txt[] = "AAAAABAAABA" 
pat[] =       "AAAA"
txt[i] and pat[j] match, do i++ and j++

We continue this way...

Example Java Code :

public class Main {

void KMPSearch(String pat, String txt) {
int M = pat.length();
int N = txt.length();

// create lps[] that will hold the longest
// prefix suffix values for pattern
int lps[] = new int[M];
int j = 0; // index for pat[]

// Preprocess the pattern (calculate lps[]
// array)
computeLPSArray(pat, M, lps);

int i = 0; // index for txt[]
while (i < N) {
if (pat.charAt(j) == txt.charAt(i)) {
if (j == M) {
System.out.println("Found pattern "
+ "at index " + (i - j));
j = lps[j - 1];

// mismatch after j matches
else if (i < N && pat.charAt(j) != txt.charAt(i)) {
// Do not match lps[0..lps[j-1]] characters,
// they will match anyway
if (j != 0)
j = lps[j - 1];
i = i + 1;

void computeLPSArray(String pat, int M, int lps[]) {
// length of the previous longest prefix suffix
int len = 0;
int i = 1;
lps[0] = 0; // lps[0] is always 0

// the loop calculates lps[i] for i = 1 to M-1
while (i < M) {
if (pat.charAt(i) == pat.charAt(len)) {
lps[i] = len;
} else // (pat[i] != pat[len])
// This is tricky. Consider the example.
// AAACAAAA and i = 7. The idea is similar
// to search step.
if (len != 0) {
len = lps[len - 1];

// Also, note that we do not increment
// i here
} else // if (len == 0)
lps[i] = len;

public static void main(String[] args) {
String pat = "ABABCABAB";
new Main().KMPSearch(pat, txt);

Output: Found pattern at index 10

    Preprocessing Algorithm: In the preprocessing part, we calculate values in lps[]. To do that, we keep track of the length of the longest prefix suffix value (we use a len variable for this purpose) for the previous index. We initialize lps[0] and len as 0. If pat[len] and pat[i] match, we increment len by 1 and assign the incremented value to lps[i]. If pat[i] and pat[len] do not match and len is not 0, we update len to lps[len-1]. See computeLPSArray () in the below code for details.
Illustration of preprocessing (or construction of lps[])

pat[] = "AAACAAAA"

len = 0, i  = 0.
lps[0] is always 0, we move 
to i = 1

len = 0, i  = 1.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 1, lps[1] = 1, i = 2

len = 1, i  = 2.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 2, lps[2] = 2, i = 3

len = 2, i  = 3.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] do not match, and len > 0, 
set len = lps[len-1] = lps[1] = 1

len = 1, i  = 3.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] do not match and len > 0, 
len = lps[len-1] = lps[0] = 0

len = 0, i  = 3.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] do not match and len = 0, 
Set lps[3] = 0 and i = 4.
We know that characters pat
len = 0, i  = 4.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 1, lps[4] = 1, i = 5

len = 1, i  = 5.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 2, lps[5] = 2, i = 6

len = 2, i  = 6.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 3, lps[6] = 3, i = 7

len = 3, i  = 7.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] do not match and len > 0,
set len = lps[len-1] = lps[2] = 2

len = 2, i  = 7.
Since pat[len] and pat[i] match, do len++, 
store it in lps[i] and do i++.
len = 3, lps[7] = 3, i = 8

We will stop here as we have constructed the whole lps[].

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome 👍