Sunday, May 15, 2022

Unit Testing with JUnit 5 and Kotlin

 Unit Testing with JUnit 5 and Kotlin JUnit 5 is the de-facto standard testing framework on the JVM. 

It is used to test application code in many areas including enterprise, desktop, and mobile applications. Unit Testing with JUnit 5 and Kotlin set up JUnit to test Kotlin code, including some of the issues you will encounter that are unique to Kotlin. First, you will see how to set up your environment to use JUnit 5 for Kotlin including setting up Gradle and Maven environments and using an IDE to run the tests. you will be introduced to Kluent, a Kotlin fluent assertions library. Then, you will see how to change assertions using this fluent syntax, as well as new, cleaner ways of writing assertions using the Kluent APIs. Finally, we will explore ‘mocking’ using MockK, a mocking framework written in and for Kotlin. When you are finished with this course, you will have the skills to test Kotlin code using JUnit and how to refactor code to make it testable.

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You can check the working code and able to understand everything about JUnit 5 and how it works with Kotlin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice post.Good Job!!!.