Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Awesomeness of the Python

One you install will have a handy tool called PowerShell or python terminal.if you just type Python 3 then you will have an access of entire pyhton programming language.this is pretty much different than any other programming languages such as Java ,C and if you are a front end developer.think of this as JavaScript console in your browser developer tools.

So what it mean exactly?.

Well being able to just type Python in terminal gives you some advantages as a developer.

for example,
suppose you are not really sure about a result of a function or any other code out can simply start the Python interpreter on your machine and see what happening when you used that function.Now a days many pyhton I'd is coming with integrated pyhton console.thats the same when we ran the program through our command prompt terminal.
unfortunately this also comes with a draw back every Python program we ran pre-fix it with the Python command.

let say we  have a sample program:

print("Hello World")

It simply prints Hello World but in order to run it we need to open terminal and write

And you will see below output
Hello World

During development it is a distraction but now many Python I'd are coming in a single package.

Towards the end of the course I will teach you how to create one binary file from windows,Mac or Linux machine. then you can run on any operating I have mentioned if you use python from command line you will have full power of python  but if you want little bit more than that such as Syntax highlighting then you will want to run the "idle" integrated development environment.
Not that this not just any IDE .this is comes installed by default.
To open it just simply search it idle and tap it,CMD will be opened . there is not much difference when you were using CMD.
The advantages of using IDLE over CMD(Command Prompt) is code completion,Syntax highlighting etc.
Very soon I will tell you about a free integrated development environment called PyCharm.

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